A bicycle is just like a car; the choice is personal. I ride with my friends irrespective of what bicycles they ride. Whenever I go for a ride, the friends who join me are more important than their bicycles.

I am not here to promote Brompton against other brands. Every branded bicycle has its own special features. The choice is personal. However, lately more and more of my friends are getting Brompton bicycles to ride. For senior citizens like me, Brompton gives us the best way to fold/unfold and is easier to carry around and upload/download from our cars.

My present bike is Brompton M3L-very basic with 3-speed and was bought in September 2011. My friend Kamarul bought it in London with a net price of RM3600. (less VAT). It is working fine and it is worth every penny I paid for. My next bike is Brompton M6L or better models. Now, I am saving money to buy it before my next 70th birthday,insyaAllah
Brompton is made for city rides. For me, I ride my Brompton every where except off roads and hilly trails. That is for my Trek MTB. My Brompton comes with me wherever I want to ride in Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur. However, some of my Brompton riding buddies use Brompton for touring and exploring unchartered rough territories which I dare not venture at my age. Last advice to fellow senior citizens, get a folding bicycle to ride. It keeps me active every weekend and feels young again.